11 Forehead Lines: How to Keep Those Deep Furrowed Lines From Creeping On Your Face


  • 11 forehead lines are a common sign of aging. Over time, these lines can become more pronounced and interfere with your appearance.
  • Taking expert-approved steps can help prevent them from forming
  • The best non-surgical option is to use a dermatologist recommend retinoid cream like this one which increases cell turnover and stimulates collagen production 


Growing old gracefully is more than just a saying-- it's a way of life. And part of growing old gracefully is having a face that looks young and fresh, even as the years start to take their toll.

One telltale sign of aging is the appearance of deep lines on the forehead. These frown lines are the equivalent of someone taking a permanent marker and drawing an arrow pointing directly at your forehead. They can make you look tired, angry, or even sad-- even if you're feeling great!

These lines can appear as early as your mid-20s, and they only get deeper and more noticeable as you get older. But there's good news! There are things you can do to prevent these lines from appearing or at least make them less noticeable.

Let's discuss the best tips for keeping those furrowed lines at bay, or at least keeping them from getting too deep:

How Deep Do Your Forehead Wrinkles Go?

Before we even dive into the tried and tested ways of preventing forehead wrinkles, it's important to understand just how deep these lines can go.

Are they a wrinkle, psychological, or medical issue? Here are some factors to consider:

1. Side Sleeping

If you've ever woken up with a forehead full of lines, you know the pain of side sleeping. Not only does it leave you with a crick in your neck, but it can also give you the appearance of premature aging. 

There are several potential reasons why side sleeping can cause the appearance of those forehead vertical lines. One possibility is that when you sleep on your side, your forehead is compressed against the pillow for an extended period of time. 

This constant pressure can cause the skin to lose elasticity and create lines and wrinkles. Additionally, when you sleep on your side, your face muscles are in a constant state of contraction, which can also lead to the development of horizontal lines. 

Ultimately, whether or not you will develop forehead lines from side sleeping depends on various factors, such as your sleep position, pillow type, and facial anatomy.

2. UV Rays and Squinting

If you've ever wondered why you have forehead lines, well, the sun may be to blame. Ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage the collagen and elastin in your skin, causing it to lose its elasticity and develop wrinkles. 

And squinting doesn't help either - all that furrowing of your brows can lead to fine lines and deep creases over time. If you're the type of person constantly out in the sun or spending hours in front of a computer screen, you may be more likely to develop forehead wrinkles at an earlier age than usual. 

Watch those facial expressions, and be sure to protect your skin with sunscreen when you're outdoors!

3. Photosensitivity

Although the research is still inconclusive, a growing body of evidence suggests histamine intolerance, autoimmune diseases, and other conditions that cause photosensitivity may increase your likelihood of developing forehead wrinkles. 

This is because these conditions can cause the skin to become more sensitive to sunlight and other forms of radiation. Over time, this exposure can cause the skin to become thin and less elastic, leading to the development of wrinkles. 

If you are suffering from any of these conditions, it is important to take extra precautions to protect your skin from the sun and other forms of radiation. You may want to consider wearing a hat or sunglasses when you are outside, on top of using sunscreen with high SPF! 

4. Muscle tension

If you're like most people, you probably don't think about your facial muscles unless you're trying to make a frowny face. But if you suffer from muscle tension, those muscles can get tight and cause forehead wrinkles.

While wrinkles are often seen as a sign of aging, they can be an early warning sign of muscle tension for some people. If you're starting to see wrinkles on your forehead, it might be time to start paying more attention to your muscle tension and find ways to relax those muscles.

Muscle tension can also be a sign of magnesium deficiency. This mineral is essential for muscle relaxation, so if you're deficient, your muscles may not be able to relax properly.

5. Stress and diet

Suffering from stress and poor diet isn't just bad for your mental health, it can also give you forehead wrinkles. That's right, the next time you're feeling stressed or reaching for a bag of chips instead of a healthy salad, just remember that you're giving yourself wrinkles.

When you're stressed, your body goes into fight-or-flight mode and releases a hormone called cortisol. In small doses, cortisol is fine, but when it's constantly released, it can break down collagen and elastin, leading to wrinkles. 

So how does diet play into this? Well, if you're not eating a balanced diet, you're likely not getting enough vitamins and minerals that are essential for healthy skin. For example, vitamin C is essential for collagen production, so if you're not getting enough of it, your skin may become thin and less elastic, leading to wrinkles. 

So if you want to keep those forehead wrinkles at bay, try to reduce your stress levels and eat a healthy, balanced diet. 

Expert Tips To Prevent And Smooth Out Forehead Wrinkles

We all know that prevention is better than cure, but when it comes to wrinkles, it's not always easy to know how to prevent them. However, you can take some simple steps to help keep your forehead looking smooth and young. Here are our top expert-approved tips:

1. Start incorporating retinoids in your nighttime skincare 

If you're not using retinoids to prevent forehead wrinkles, you're doing skincare all wrong . Retinoids are a group of compounds derived from vitamin A, and they have proven to be incredibly effective in combating wrinkles. 

When applied to the skin, retinoids help to stimulate collagen production, which in turn helps to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Additionally, retinoids help to increase cell turnover, which helps to keep the skin looking young and fresh. 

There are several different retinoid products on the market, so it's easy to find one that suits your needs. And there's no need to worry about side effects - when used as directed, retinoids are completely safe and gentle on the skin.

We recommend this clinically proven retinol cream which targets fine lines and wrinkles. 

2. Invest in professional facial treatments

It's no secret that keeping your skin looking young and healthy takes work. But it's definitely worth it, especially when it comes to preventing forehead wrinkles.

By investing in regular professional facial treatments, you can keep those pesky lines at bay and maintain a youthful appearance!

  • Microcurrent facials: A facial treatment that uses low-level electrical currents to stimulate the skin and reduce wrinkles. This treatment is often used to target the forehead, as it can help to smooth out lines and give the skin a lift.
  • Thermage: A non-invasive treatment that uses radiofrequency technology to deliver heat deep into the skin. This deep-tissue heating helps to stimulate collagen production and can effectively smooth out wrinkles.
  • Ematrix: One of the best ways to get the skin of your dreams is with this amazing sublative laser resurfacing treatment. It improves texture and tightens and rebuilds collagen by using heat energy in dermal layers.
  • Fraxel: Uses a fractional laser technology that penetrates deep into the skin layers to trigger your body's natural healing process, improving overall texture and tone. The results are gradual over time as new collagen and elastin replace old damaged cells.

3. Promote cell renewal with peptides

Peptides are the it ingredient in skincare these days, and for a good reason. These short chains of amino acids promote cell renewal and help to prevent forehead wrinkles. 

When applied topically, peptides can help to stimulate collagen production, resulting in firmer, smoother skin. So if you're looking to turn back the clock on your complexion, peptides are a great place to start. 

Just be sure to use them as directed, as too much of a good thing can actually lead to breakouts.

4. Look for skincare products with hyaluronic acid 

If you want to keep your forehead wrinkle-free, you need to start using products with hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance that helps to keep skin hydrated and plump. 

When applied topically, hyaluronic acid can help fill fine lines and wrinkles, giving skin a smoother appearance. Additionally, hyaluronic acid helps to protect the skin against environmental damage, making it an ideal ingredient for skincare products.

5. Try a thread-lifting treatment

If you're tired of seeing forehead wrinkles every time you look in the mirror, you may consider a thread-lifting treatment. Also known as a "nonsurgical facelift," this treatment involves injecting threads into the skin to lift and tighten the tissue. 

While it may sound like a risky proposition, thread-lifting can actually be quite effective at reducing the appearance of wrinkles. The threads are made of biodegradable material, so they will eventually dissolve, leaving your skin looking smoother and younger. 

In the meantime, they provide support for the skin, preventing further damage from environmental factors like UV rays and pollutants. 

6. Try out laser skin tightening

If you're starting to see forehead wrinkles, it's time to consider laser skin tightening treatments. These treatments can help smooth wrinkles and give your skin a more youthful appearance. 

Laser skin tightening works by using high-intensity light to heat the collagen fibers in the skin. This process helps to stimulate new collagen growth, which in turn helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. 

The treatments are usually performed in a series of sessions and can provide long-lasting results. Best of all, laser skin tightening treatments are safe for all skin types and can be done in a matter of minutes!

The Bottom Line

Understanding the causes of forehead wrinkles is the first step toward preventing those wrinkles from resurfacing. By using the techniques and products discussed above, you'll be able to keep your furrowed lines at bay–and continue to show off your forehead with pride.

So don't wait any longer. Start using these tips today and enjoy smooth, wrinkle-free skin for years to come!


18 year olds, seriously (try some older folks). Vertical wrinkles thru the eye brows. How to treat that?

Natalie January 23, 2024

Was interested in learning about the elevens or specifically only one line.

Greta Sainz September 11, 2023

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