How to Restore Collagen in the Face: Effective Methods for Aging Skin

●  Collagen production begins to decline around age 25. This is when you may start to see changes in your skin, such as wrinkles, sagging, and dryness.

●  There are a few things you can do to help our skin produce and restore more collagen in the facial area to look more youthful and radiant.

The popularity of collagen in skincare has taken the beauty world by storm in recent years. This protein is the key to achieving youthful, glowing skin-- which is something everybody wants.

Understanding how to restore collagen in the face is the first step in your journey to gorgeous skin. Collagen production begins to decline around age 25, which is when you may start to see changes in your skin, such as wrinkles, sagging, and dryness.

While we can't turn back the clock, there are a few things we can do to help our skin produce and restore more collagen.

Let's discuss why our skin needs collagen, the best ways to restore it, and how to make sure we're doing everything we can for our skin's health.

What is Collagen?


Collagen is a protein that makes up one-third of your body's total mass. It provides strength and support for joints, skin elasticity (i.e., it helps you bounce back after getting hurt), tooth enamel development in children's teeth - even hair growth!

It's mostly found in fibrous tissues, such as our ligaments, tendons, and of course-- our skin. It works by binding cells together and giving skin its structure. This is why our skin starts to sag and wrinkle when we lose collagen.

There are 28 different types of collagen, but 80-90% of the collagen in our bodies is either type I, II, or III. Type I is the most abundant, and it's what gives our skin its strength and elasticity.

What's The Function Of Collagen?

Aside from being a major component of our skin, collagen has many other functions in the body.

  • It's an essential part of the healing process, as it helps to close wounds and repair broken bones.
  • It also provides structure and support for blood vessels, which is why it's often used in cosmetic procedures such as fillers and Botox.
  • It's a key player in gut health. Collagen is found in the lining of the gut, which helps to protect us from bacteria and other toxins.
  • Collagen also plays a role in brain health. This protein is a major component of the myelin sheath, which is the protective layer around our nerves.

Why Do You Need To Restore Collagen?

Even though collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, we start to lose it as we age.

As we mentioned, our bodies start to produce less collagen around age 25. By the time we reach our 40s and 50s, we can lose up to 30% of our collagen.

There are a few factors that contribute to this decline.

  1. One is simply the aging process.
    As we get older, our bodies become less efficient at producing collagen. Additionally, exposure to UV. It's important to wear sunscreen every day to help protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.
  2. Smoking is also a major collagen killer.
    The habit damages skin cells and prevents them from regenerating. Even secondhand smoke can have an effect on collagen production. So stay away from smokers, and if you smoke-- quit!
  3. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and chronic stress can also lead to decreased collagen production.
    These habits all put a strain on our bodies, which can impact our skin's health. If you want to keep your skin looking its best, it's important to take care of your whole body-- especially your mind and your gut.

Now that we know why we need to restore collagen in our skin, let's discuss some of the best ways to do so.


The Best Ways To Restore Collagen In Your Face

There are a few different ways to help your skin produce more collagen and achieve a more youthful appearance in turn.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Making healthy lifestyle choices is the first step in restoring collagen in your skin.

As we mentioned, smoking, lack of sleep, and poor nutrition can all lead to decreased collagen production. So, quitting smoking, getting enough sleep, and eating a healthy diet are all important for maintaining collagen levels.

Exercise is also important for collagen production. When we exercise, we increase blood flow and oxygen to our skin cells. This helps to promote cell regeneration and keeps our skin looking healthy.

Additionally, exercise helps to reduce stress levels, which can impact collagen production. Stress causes the body to produce cortisol, breaking collagen and leading to premature aging.

Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet is essential for maintaining collagen levels in the skin.

Foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries, green tea, and dark leafy greens, help to protect our skin cells from damage. Collagen-boosting foods, such as bone broth and citrus fruits are also important for maintaining healthy collagen levels.

Additionally, omega-three fatty acids are important for maintaining healthy skin. These fats help to keep our cell membranes strong, which helps to protect our skin cells from damage.

Foods high in sugar and refined carbs can break down collagen. So, limiting these foods in your diet is important if you want to maintain healthy collagen levels.

Eating a healthy diet is not only good for your skin but also for your overall health.

Topical Actives

In addition to making healthy lifestyle choices, you can also use topical actives to help your skin produce more collagen.

Topical retinoids are one of the most effective ways to boost collagen production. Retinoids are Vitamin A derivatives that help to speed up cell turnover. This helps to promote new collagen production and gives the skin a more youthful appearance.

Vitamin C is another important vitamin for collagen production. Vitamin C helps to boost collagen synthesis and also provides protection against UV damage.

Glycolic acid is known as a "collagen booster" because it helps to stimulate new collagen growth. Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid that helps to exfoliate the skin and promote cell turnover.

When using topical actives to restore collagen, it's important to use products formulated for your specific skin type.

For example, if you have sensitive skin, you should look for products that contain gentle ingredients. If you have oily skin, you may look for products containing retinoids or glycolic acid.

You can talk to your dermatologist or esthetician to find out which ingredients are right for your skin type.

Collagen Supplements

 In addition to topical actives, you can take collagen supplements to help your skin produce more collagen.

Collagen supplements provide the body with the building blocks it needs to produce new collagen. They are mostly made up of the amino acids glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline.

You can find collagen supplements in the form of powders, pills, and liquids. There is also now a new type of supplement called "collagen peptides" that are said to be more easily absorbed by the body.

They are able to travel throughout the body and improve collagen production when absorbed. Research shows that they can also stimulate fibroblasts, the cells responsible for creating collagen and elastin in the first place.

Expect to see results within two to three months when taking collagen supplements. You can take them daily or just a few times per week.

When looking for a collagen supplement, it is important to find a quality manufacturer transparent about their amino acid profile, excipients, sourcing, and the amount of collagen in the product.

Not all collagen supplements are created equal, so you'll want to make sure you do your research to find the best one for you.

Are There Treatments for Collagen Loss?

A few different treatments can be used to help improve the appearance of collagen loss. These include:


Injections, such as Juvederm and Restylane, can help to plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.


Lasers, such as Fraxel and CO₂, can help to stimulate collagen production and improve the appearance of wrinkles.

Both treatments are temporary and must be repeated every few months to maintain results.


Microneedling is a treatment that uses tiny needles to create micro-wounds in the skin. This helps to stimulate collagen production and can improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and scars.

Microneedling can be done at home with a derma roller or by a professional.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a treatment that uses your own blood to improve the appearance of your skin.

The blood is drawn from your arm and then spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the other blood cells. The platelets are then injected into the skin.

PRP can help to improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and scars. It can also help to stimulate collagen production.

These are just a few treatments available to help improve the appearance of collagen loss. You can talk to your doctor or dermatologist to find out which treatment is right for you.

The Bottom Line

Collagen is a protein that is found in the skin. It helps to keep the skin looking firm and youthful. Collagen production decreases as we age, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin.

Fortunately, there are things that you can do to help restore collagen in the face. This includes using topical actives, taking collagen supplements, and getting treatments such as injections, lasers, microneedling, and PRP.

With a little effort, you're well on your way to achieving youthful, radiant skin!








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